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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)
Science outreach at Turtle Rock Elementary School

The Mackey Lab conducted two science outreach lessons for first graders at Turtle Rock Elementary School.


In the first lesson on "Marine food webs," students constructed collages to show that larger organisms typically consume smaller organisms. Students were then given strips of construction paper with the names of different marine animals, and worksheets with information about those animals. They then sorted the animals into a "food chain" by linking the strips together.


In the second lesson on "The seaweed around us," the students investigated natural seaweed specimens in a touch tank, colored a worksheet labeling the parts of seaweed structure, made "goo" from alginate (a thickener derived from seaweed), and identified the algal thickener carrageenan in the ingredients lists on foods kike ice cream, salad dressing, and yogurt.

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