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November 2019

Joana Tavares Advances to Candidacy!

Joana Tavares successfully presented her dissertation proposal on the effects of emissions from the shipping industry on marine biota. Congratulations on successfully advancing to candidacy, Joana!


June 2019

Graduate Student Awards & Recognition

Congratulations to our award recipients!

Joana Tavares received a NASA Fellowship, Raisha Lovindeer received a Ridges 2 Reefs (R2R) Fellowship, and Jessica Walden received a R2R Fellowship and a Graduate Student Great Partners Award from UCI Engage in recognition of our research partnership with the Orange County Sanitation District! 


June 2019

Congratulations to our Graduates!

Congratulations to Hannah Medina, Lawrence Abbot, and Lawrence Khournso, who all graduated with their Bachelor's degrees!

Lawrence Abbot was awarded the Undergraduate Research Award in Earth System Science!!! Congratulations, Abbot!


June 2018

Student Awards and Recognition

Congratulations to our award recipients!

Lillian Lee (Honors in ESS, Phi Beta Kappa), Melanie Martinez (Honors in ESS, Phi Beta Kappa), Chris McGuire (Honors in ESS), Laura Robledo (ESS Undergraduate Research Award, Chancellor's Award of Distinction, Honors in EESS, Phi Beta Kappa), and Jess Walden (Graduate Dean’s Recruitment Fellowship).


June 2018

Congratulations to our Graduates!

Congratulations to Jade Barrilleaux, Belen Cairo, Lillian Lee, Melanie Martinez, Chris McGuire, Erich Partida, Laura Robledo, and Nairi Sevajian, who all graduated with their Bachelor's degrees!

March 2018

Mackey receives Simons Early Career Investigator Award

The award "helps launch the careers of outstanding investigators who will advance our understanding of marine microbial ecology and evolution." Mackey received this award in recognition of her research on how metal toxicity affects microbial competition.

November 2017

Johann Lopez advanced to candidacy

Johann Lopez successfully presented and defended his doctoral research proposal. Congratulations on your advancement, Johann!

June 2017

Congratulations to our Graduates!

Congratulations to Belen Cairo, Priya Kaur, Araceli Serrano, and Stephanie Stragier, who all graduated with their Bachelor's degrees!

Araceli was awarded the Earth System Science Undergraduate Research & Departmental Service Award!

February 2017

Mackey Awarded Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship in Ocean Sciences


The Fellowship seeks “to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise.” Mackey received this award in recognition of her interdisciplinary research approach in oceanography.

May 2017

Mackey receives UCI Dynamic Womxn Award

This award is to “celebrate and honor the incredible womxn who are leaders and role models actively making a difference in our community. This is a one of a kind celebration that focuses on the womxn who inspire us to take action and to fight for causes we believe in.”

February 2017

Congratulations Fellowships Winners!


Johann Lopez and Araceli Serrano were awarded Graduate Research Fellowships from the National Science Foundation.

Joana Tavares was a warded a Nevin Graduate Endowment Fellowship.

October 2016

Priya Kaur receives the Best Student Poster Award at SACNAS!

Priya Kaur was awarded the Best Student Poster Award at the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science Symposium. The award acknowledged her research into mercury uptake in phytoplankton, and her superior ability to communicate her research to others. Congratulations PK!

October 2015

Mackey receives Marion Milligan mason Award for Women in the Chemical Sciences from AAAS


Mackey received the inaugural award, which recognizes women chemists who are leaders in their field, in recognition of her work in marine atmospheric deposition and climate change.

September 2015

Mackey Named Kavli Fellow of The National Academy of Sciences

The Kavli program “brings together outstanding young scientists to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in a broad range of disciplines.”  Fellows are nominated by a member of the National Academy in a highly selective process.

July 2014

Mackey Named Clare Booth Luce Fellow

The Luce Foundation is “one of the single most significant sources of private support for women in science, mathematics and engineering. […] to encourage women to enter, study, graduate, and teach” in science, mathematics and engineering.” 

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© 2018 by The Mackey Lab.

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